Work Schedule and Down time

Do you suffer with never having enough time each week?
Always run of your feet? You never get proper downtime with yourself or your family?
As lash techs it’s so easy to get stuck in the chaos of back to back clients, early mornings and late nights. Those endless hours messaging with clients some days we find ourselves working 7days per week answering messages and emails at 11pm at night..... what is your cut off?
Here are a few tips to help you set some boundaries with yourself and your business.
What hours have you set for yourself?
Do you end up working overtime every week because you try “squeeze” a few extra desperate clients in..... when you receive messages begging to find them a spot? You feel bad so you work early or work back late even though you promised yourself no extra hours again this week?
Well it’s time to a Set a work schedule and STICK TO IT! No working before or after!
You matter and so does your family and the quality time you could be spending with them
Your first client is at 8am.... so what time do you get into your salon?
For us here @dsalashsupplies we set 1.5hour for set up before our first client, This means cleaning, prepping your workspace , respond to any messages or inquires and send out reminders for the following day/week
We also use this time to catch up on our socials posts from the previous days etc.
Most importantly shaking your glue! It is important with your glue to shake it as soon as you set up and not just when your first client arrives.... this will help assist with retention also.
Lunch break- we like to allow 1- 1.5hour for lunch each day the reason for this is, this allows a grace period if you go over time with clients from the morning, late arrivals, clients arriving during your lunch break and you may need to start a few moments earlier unless you want to start back earlier which 95% of the time happens and also responding to messages/inquires/emails that you will have received during the day.
Generally after your lunch break if you are like most of us you will be back to back with clients right up until you finish So this allows the time during your break to get on top of these things so when it’s time to clock off you actually ... “CLOCK OFF”
Closing time - The most important part of the day because this is where the trap begins ha-ha When you finish work.... do not go straight to your phone. Clean up your work station ,do your usual pre-set up for the following day ,close the door and head home.
Most of us lash techs don’t finish work until 6-8pm sometimes even later this is where you need to set a boundary with when you finish to not respond until the following day, As it’s likely you will get stuck on your phone for another hour after finishing work, sometimes your even in such a hurry you open the messages and forget to reply which can also be bad for business
For us the easiest way is respond tomorrow.
We are Lash Techs.... not a 24hour hotline
Setting boundaries will not only help you keep your sanity.... but it will let clients know you do not respond after a certain hour at night-time as if your “work phone” has been left in the salon!
This brings us to ordering stock and products,
Do you find yourself running low on products? And then wasting time doubling up on orders or spending $$$$ on shipping ordering from same supplier 2-3 per week?
This means you need to be more prepared do a stock count each week , work out what stock you go through the most and double up on products to insure that when it comes down to the crunch you are not scrambling to find a supplier with the stock and fast shipping only to be let down by delays in postage
Get business smart think ahead!
At the end of each work week spend the time to sit down go through your products place your orders for the following week whether this be on a Thursday or a Friday so by the time Monday comes you can cruise into your week at ease
Have you allowed time this week for these?
• Respond to clients texts
• Sending/Responding to Emails
• Respond to social media
• Make posts to your social media
• Ordering stock
• Eating
• Getting up and moving around
• Made time for your family
• Start and Finish work at an appropriate time